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  • IMPORTANT UPDATE - Outcome of the structural survey

    Mon 11 Mar 2024

    Please read the letter below from North Tyneside Council


    11 March 2024


    RE: Findings from initial structural reports


    Dear Parent/Carer,


    We have received a report from the Council and their structural engineers Narro who have been investigating what caused the small part of concrete block to fall from the ceiling in December 2023.


    Over the past few months, we have worked closely with the Council and engineers to carry out tests including drilling into the core of the building, removing, and testing blocks.


    It’s been a lengthy process, and we really appreciate your patience while we allowed these vital checks to take place.


    We are pleased to now able to give you a summary of the issue below.


    What is the issue?


    The report has confirmed that there is currently no concern as to the overall stability of the building or significant collapse.  The parts of the school currently open can continue to be used safely.


    Early indications from this report suggest the issue is a historical isolated issue connected to the mixture of the concrete used when the school was constructed. 


    This weak mix was formed into hollow blocks – a common building method in the 1960s when the school was built – and then used as part of a technique which is sometimes referred to as Hollow Concrete Block and Plank.  


    A crack in a single block can cause weaknesses across the other blocks they are positioned next to. This does not create issues with stability for the whole building, just small, isolated areas, and individual blocks.  


    This method is no longer used in the UK and no specific information on structural performance or failure of this type of floor slab construction have been found during construction.  


    This first report allows us to determine the cause and possible solutions to this issue but makes it clear that we don’t expect this to be easily resolved.


    We would like to reiterate that all school buildings in North Tyneside followed Health and Safety law, had regular checks and maintenance programmes and the issue identified is not something that showed up in any of the checks or audits.


    What happens next?


    Working together with the individual schools, the Department for Education, and structural engineers we will start to explore remedial works that will allow two-storey building to reopen when it is safe and appropriate to do so.


    As we shared with you late last week, our modular classrooms have been ordered and work will begin to prepare our site for the buildings to be constructed from next week.


    These classrooms will have mains lighting and heating, hot and cold water, connection to our fire alarm and security alarm system as well as direct access to toilet facilities.


    We hope that today’s information gives you a better understanding of why we’ve had to take the precautionary steps we have.


    Thank you once again for your understanding.



    Julie Firth                                                              Claire Withers

    Director Children’s Services                               Headteacher


    North Tyneside Council                                     Fordley Primary School












  • IMPORTANT UPDATE - Plans for all children to return to our Fordley home school site

    Thu 07 Mar 2024

    Good afternoon to you all,


    Despite the very challenging circumstances we found ourselves in, it feels like we settled into a new routine and way of working very quickly thanks to your support, the hard work of my fantastic team and the amazing adaptability of our lovely Fordley children.


    I am very pleased to be able to share an update on the next steps to returning all of our Fordley children back to their home on our Fordley school site.


    What will be happening on the Fordley Primary school site?


    We have been working closely over the last few months with North Tyneside Council, and a modular buildings company, to plan for brand new bespoke modular classrooms (classrooms and toilet facilities which can be built on our school site) to be designed to fit the educational needs of our children and the layout of our site.   It was essential that we took the time needed to do this properly so that they are designed to create an educational environment that our children rightly deserve.   


    I am now in a position to confirm the fantastic news that the modular classrooms have now been ordered. 


    What facilities will the new modular buildings have?


    All classrooms will have mains lighting and heating, hot and cold water, connection to our fire alarm and security alarm system, WiFi access as well as direct access to toilet facilities.


    When will this work begin?


    It was confirmed with me yesterday that the ground work needed to prepare our site for the buildings to be constructed will be due to start the week beginning 18th March.  If this is likely to cause any disruption to safe access to our site, I will let you know in advance.


    How will the modular buildings be organised?


    The layout will be as follows:

    • A Nursery block for Nursery and Fordley Flyers will be built on the grassed area next to the original Nursery outdoor area.  This will mean ease of access for drop offs and collections, security and safety as well as access to the grassed outdoor area shared with Reception
    • Classroom blocks (with cloakroom and toilet facilities) for Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 will be built around the edge of the KS2 yard in an L-shape
    • Reception will return to their original classrooms
    • Y2 will move to their own purpose built classrooms
    • Y3 will move to their own purpose built classrooms
    • A structurally safe corridor will be built to link both sides of the main building together
    • We will repurpose the space left inside the main building for 1:1 and small group activities


    What is the likely timeline for all of this to happen?


    We plan to return year groups in this order:

    • Fordley Flyers and Nursery will be the first block to be built and we are hopeful this should be ready to use after the Easter break
    • The following year groups will return in this order and we hope to do this as quickly as possible over the first half of the summer term:
      1. Y2 will be moved into their new purpose built classrooms so that Reception will be able to return to their original classrooms
      2. Y3, Y4 , Y5 and Y6 will then be moved into their new purpose built classrooms as soon as they are ready
    • We are hopeful that all of our children will be back on our school site by the start of the last half of the summer term (all being well with the construction of the buildings)


    Once the works start I will have a better idea of expected dates of return for each of the different year groups.


    In the meantime, I have assurances from the Headteachers of both Greenfields Primary and North Gosforth Academy that our children are extremely welcome to stay until their classrooms are ready.


    And finally


    As always, the education, wellbeing and care of your child is the very first thing we think about whenever we make decisions and plan how to make sure they are well looked after every day. 


    I will keep you updated on the next steps for each year group as soon as I have them and I appreciate your patience and understanding whilst you have been waiting for this information.


    If you have any direct questions, please send me a message on here or email Either I, or one of our senior leaders (Mr Maule, Mrs Boyes, Mrs Langley, Mrs Miller or Mrs Butler), will be in touch with you directly to answer your query.


    As always, we will respond as quickly as we can.


    Yours sincerely,


    Claire Withers


IMPORTANT INFORMATION - please see our Latest News page for information about the return to face to face learning on Monday 15th January