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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

After School Clubs

Autumn Half Term 1


  • Y1 and Y2 Multi Skills - Fridays from 3:20pm to 4:20pm (Friday 22nd September to Friday 27th October)
  • Y3 and Y4 Dodgeball - Mondays from 3:20pm to 4:20pm (Monday 18th September to Monday 23rd October)
  • Y5 and Y6 Basketball - Tuesdays from 3:20pm to 4:20pm (Tuesday 19th September to Tuesday 24th October)
  • Y5 and Y6 Coding Club - Mondays from 3:20pm to 4:30pm (starts Monday 18th September)


Please check the letter that your child brings home as some clubs will be free and some may have a small charge.

Autumn Half Term 2


  • Y1 and Y2 Ball Sports - Fridays from 3:20pm to 4:20pm (Friday 10th November to Friday 15th December)
  • Y3 and Y4 Football - Mondays from 3:20pm to 4:20pm (Monday 6th November to Monday 11th December)
  • Y5 and Y6 Football - Tuesdays from 3:20pm to 4:20pm (Tuesday 7th November to Tuesday 12th December)
  • Y5 and Y6 Coding Club - Mondays from 3:20pm to 4:30pm (starts Monday 18th September)
  • Y5 and Y6 Lego League Club - Tuesdays from 3:20pm to 4:45pm


Please check the letter that your child brings home as some clubs will be free and some may have a small charge.

HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS! We reopen for a new school year on Tuesday 3rd September and we all look forward to seeing you then.