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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

SEND and Inclusion

SEND and Inclusion


SENDCO and Inclusion Lead:


  • Mrs Laura Miller
  • 0191 2502207


At Fordley Primary school we are committed to ensuring all of our pupils are well supported and challenged to reach their potential.  For children who may have barriers to their learning, we seek to identify those barriers with parents/carers and other professionals in a timely manner and aim to create an appropriate learning environment and experience to address their needs successfully.  For some children this may also mean identifying the most appropriate pathway for their future education.


Pupil voice is key to creating Support Plans and applying for Education Health and Care Plans, so we seek to understand what school might feel like from the child's perspective and find ways of addressing their worries and challenges.


Working successfully with parents/carers is also at the heart of our focus on children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) and we hold regular review meetings, initiate Early Helps Assessments (where there may be wider challenges for a family) and signpost to other agencies who will be able to provide specialist support.


Our Local Offer (attached below) gives a full overview of how we focus on supporting children with SEND at Fordley but some examples include:

  • regular staff training covering ASD, ADHD, PACE, bereavement
  • specific staff trained in a range of interventions such as counselling, Lego Therapy, dyslexia, communicate and regulate
  • access to therapeutic play from a trained professional
  • regular consultations with Connect Mental Health Support Team
  • regular involvement with external agencies such as educational psychologist, Language and Communication team, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and many more


In addition to this we are always seeking ways to continually improve our provision for the benefit of pupils and have recently been successful in securing funding through a bid for sensory spaces and additional resources which are looking forward to having in place for September 2024.


Other Key Members of the Team:

  • Mrs Nicholson - Early Years Lead (concerns or queries for pupils in Fordley Flyers, Nursery and Reception)
  • Mrs Boyes - Lower Phase Lead (concerns or queries for pupils in Y1, Y2 or Y3)
  • Mr Fawcett - Upper Phase Lead (concerns or queries for pupils in Y4, Y5 or Y6)
  • Mrs Lancaster - Dyslexia interventions
  • Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Douglas, Mrs Scott, Miss Donoghue - speech and language

Transition Support


Moving classes, year groups or from one school to another can present as a huge challenge for all children but especially those with special educational needs or disabilities.  We have a range of strategies and support in place to help to make the transition smoother and a much more positive experience.


  • Fordley Flyers to Nursery
    • There are planned opportunities for children to enjoy sessions within the main Nursery room prior to their official start date.  This allows for the Nursery team to get to know the children even better.
  • Nursery to Reception
    • ​​​​​​​Our Reception teachers visit the Nursery children to introduce themselves, read a story and interact with them to build positive relationships
    • The Nursery children then spend sessions in their new Reception classes getting to know all of the adults who work in the Reception team
    • For any children who may feel worried about starting Reception in September, a book is made for them to look at over the summer holidays with photos of the classrooms, where they will be dropped off and collected, the hall for lunch and the adults they will work witha book is made for them to look at over the summer holidays with photos of the classrooms, where they will be dropped off and collected, the hall for lunch and the adults they will work with
  • ​​​​​​​In school transition (all other year groups)
    • ​​​​​​​We have two planned days where children meet their new class teacher, teaching support and the children in their class
    • In addition to this, a book is made for them to look at over the summer holidays with photos of the classrooms, where they will be dropped off and collected, the hall for lunch and the adults they will work with
    • For any children where there may be additional anxiety, further sessions can be planned in with their new class teacher or teaching support in order to build the positive relationships needed for them to flourish
  • ​​​​​​​Y6 transition to High School
    • ​​​​​​​Our pupils mainly transition to North Gosforth Academy (with some going to Cramlington Learning Village)
    • We have a strong partnership with North Gosforth Academy and begin SEND meetings with their SENDCO from the spring term, once school places have been allocated.  
    • Additional transition groups for children who may need support are led by the lead SENCO from North Tyneside School Support Team, and these are held in school
    • There are extra visits, prior to the official transition days in July, for children to go to North Gosforth Academy.  They meet key staff, get to know the environment and are supported to understand how it will work before the rest of their peers attend.


Please find below school policies and procedures explaining how we support pupils who have specific needs, and ensure all children have full access to their curriculum entitlement.


Clicking on the web link below will take you directly to North Tyneside's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer


There is also a YouTube clip which explains more.  Access this by clicking the link:

SEESAW ACCESS - if you don't currently have access to our Seesaw Learning and Communication Platform please email and we will get this up and running for you