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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Reading at Home - Decodable Books and Online Library

At Fordley we are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers. We actively promote daily reading but understand that children may not have books they can access independently at their own level at home.


During periods of building closure, we would have an allocated weekly slot where children from Reception through to Year 6 can come to the Main Office and change their reading book. The book they are given is from a collection within their current ability, meaning they can access it without adult support.


In addition to this, children who access phonics through the Read, Write, Inc programme, are given two reading books per week via Seesaw or Tapestry as well as daily Speed Sounds lessons. These books are fully decodable (meaning children can read all words using their phonic knowledge) meaning they can continue to practise what they are learning in phonics.

All children across school have also been directed to the Oxford Owl free eBook website to access online books. These books are tablet-friendly and have the same layout as the books they usually take home every week.


Children in Key Stage Two have been given a login to access a range of texts through the National Literacy Trust via The site gives children access to a catalogue of engaging, high quality texts and can be filtered by category of interest. Children can create their own ‘bookshelf’ giving quick and easy access to books they enjoy.


Please email for a login for your child.

SEESAW ACCESS - if you don't currently have access to our Seesaw Learning and Communication Platform please email and we will get this up and running for you