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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

The School Day

Our school day, for Reception to Y6, follows this pattern daily:


  • 8:50 - start of the school day.  Children will line up on the yard and be collected by their class teachers and other school adults.
  • 8:55 - teachers take the class register, which is a legal record of who is in the building.
  • 9:00 - lessons begin. 
  • 3:20 - school day ends.  KS2 children are collected from their yard (with Y6 permitted to walk home with parents/carers permission).  Reception and KS1 children are collected from their classroom door. 



  1. Both the KS1 and KS2 entrance doors are open until 9:00.  A school adult will be on each door and will ask a parent/carer why their children is late.  This will be recorded in our late book. 
  2. These doors will shut at 9am promptly as lessons begin.
  3. Any families who arrive after 9am in the morning must take their children to main school entrance, where they must sign their child/ren into the late book with a reason why they are late.


Our school day for Fordley Flyers, Rising 3s and Nursery follows this pattern daily:

  • Fordley Flyers - morning sessions are 8:30-11:30; afternoon sessions are 12:30-3:30
  • Rising 3s - morning sessions are 8:40-11:40
  • Nursery - morning sessions are 8:40-11:40; afternoon sessions are 12:30-3:30
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)