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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

All about Fordley Afterschool Club

Afterschool Childcare – September 2023


Afterschool Childcare is available for children when parents and carers are working or who may need urgent childcare for an alternative reason such as an emergency medical appointment etc.

Charges for our childcare are as follows:

  • 3:20-4:30pm - £3
  • 3:20-5:00pm - £4
  • 3:20-5:30pm - £5
  • 3:20-6:00pm - £6

You can also book your child in after an after school club from 4:30pm – 6pm for a specified charge


How do I book a place?


  1. You will need to register through the School Gateway app first.  This is available on Android and Apple devices
  2. Once you have registered you will need to email so we can make sure you can access the clubs booking session
  3. There are screenshots on our website at to help you to work through how to book a place


  • Payment must be made on booking, otherwise the booking can’t be completed if there is no money on your account and we will not take any bookings over the phone or via email
  • If you receive tax free childcare, email us at as we can manually add the amount of money to your account meaning you will be able to book
  • You can book (or cancel) a place on the day up to 3:00pm.  At this point we will print off the daily list for the afterschool club team so no changes can be made.



  • If you do not book a place for that day and your child is left in school, we will have to ring you to come and collect immediately.  We have to arrange our staffing based on numbers and 2:30pm gives you plenty of time to book and pay for the session that day.


When and where can I drop my child off?


  • Children can be collected from Afterschool Childcare by ringing the Afterschool Childcare number 07842 860607 when you are at the main entrance door
  • Your child will be brought to you by a member of the Afterschool Childcare team
  • You will not be able to access the building for safeguarding reasons, so we request your patience whilst waiting for your child (feel free to wait in your vehicle if it is raining.)


If you have any queries, including issues with accessing the app, please email and we will help you in any way we can.

Booking a session and paying online

SEESAW ACCESS - if you don't currently have access to our Seesaw Learning and Communication Platform please email and we will get this up and running for you