"It's my favourite subject. We get to learn facts about the olden days." - Y2
"I enjoy learning in different ways. I get to use artefacts, learn rhymes and use pictures to learn new facts." - Y4
"I like using written sources to find new facts and also watching videos to find out new information." - Y4
"I like the true or false activities we do because the imprint stuff in my mind and help me to remember." - Y6
"I like retrieval starters at the start of lessons as it helps us remember the key facts." - Y6
"I like the muddled up pictures on the TV (interactive board) because at the end of the unit I can put them in the right order." - Y1
"It is easier to take time to remember facts and I am given short facts to learn, a little at a time." - Y5
"We like to record our knowledge and ideas in different ways. I used a diamond 9 activity to show how important the items the Romans brought with them are" - Y4
"History can help you if you want to become a scientist or a teacher. It shows you how they lived and what they did or learned." - Y6
"You can see how the Vikings and Mayans impacted on the future because of what they achieved." - Y6
"History teaches us to avoid the same mistakes like not breaking into buildings during the Gun Powder Plot" - Y3
"History teaches you how to stay safe and not get injured" - Y2 (making links between Gun Powder Plot and Bonfire Night)
"History teaches you how to protect yourself and that some things are dangerous." - Y2
"Your know when you have done a good piece of work as you have most of your answers right, you have a lot of ticks and you might be sent to see Miss Cardwell or Mrs Withers. You might get house points or have your work shared in the newsletter." - KS2
"Our teacher shares the answers at the end of the lesson so we can see what we have got right and we learn from our mistakes." - Y5
"Our teacher tells us we've knocked their socks or helps us have another go with a bit of support." - Y4