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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’


"I love learning the continents with the song." - Y2


"Geography is my personal favourite subject.  I love learning about the world.  I'd love to go one day to the places we are learning about, especially South America as I have been learning all about the climate and biomes." - Y6


"We are learning more about the equator and the tropics this year and we learned about the equator and the poles last year." - Y3


"We still learn about rivers but last year we learned about the different parts such as source and mouth.  This year we are looking at river's locations on the Earth and the countries they flow through." - Y5


"We learned about tectonic plates last year.  This year we are looking at which countries are on tectonic plate boundaries and the volcanic activity within them and the effect on humans." - Y6


" I like the retrieval starters in geography because it constantly recaps information and helps us to remember it." - Y6


"I like to have maps and other sources to investigate myself first before being given new information by my teacher." - Y6

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)