Children with an EHCP:
Children on the special needs register who have an EHCP are entitled to be in school and places are available for them. Children with an EHCP will be supported by a teaching assistant in school to meet the targets in their EHCP. We endeavour that this will mirror as closely as possible the work that they receive in school, however some social intervention groups will not be able to take place as they would in school.
Specific short term academic and social targets for each child are outlined in their pupil support plan. The pupil support plans continue to be updated with class teachers termly. The pupil support plans are sent home three times across the year. Pupil support plans would be, in the situation of a school closure, accompanied by an activity pack containing activities to support the children to meet their targets.
Class teachers and support assistants are in regular contact with the families via telephone.
SENDco is available to talk through specific concerns or worries.
Annual reviews would continue via telephone/email/Microsoft Teams meetings.
Children on Support Plans:
Children will continue to work with outside agencies, such as the dyslexia team, speech therapists or the language and communication team. We have continued to provide pupil support plans for all children on the SEN register. The pupil support plans include specific targets for individual children and for children at home the support plan is now accompanied by an activity pack which will support the families to help the children to achieve their targets. Children in school will continue to work on their bespoke programmes that have been provided by external agencies such as the speech therapy team or the dyslexia team with the teaching assistants in school.
Children at home will be supported by school and the specific agency by whom they have been assessed. Pupil support plans remain in place and are reviewed by the school staff in tree times each year. We have continued to work with external agencies, facilitate assessments/updates via zoom/Microsoft teams meetings or face to face where appropriate. Appointments have been made for individual children to come into school to work with professionals as required. Meetings with families have continued to take place via telephone or Microsoft Teams meeting calls. Work has been set for all children on Tapestry or Seesaw in line with the level which is appropriate for each child. Additional packs have been delivered or posted to families in conjunction with the speech therapists and dyslexia team where appropriate. Families have been signposted to or given handouts to support behaviour needs. Social stories and support around returning to school has been shared on the school website and facebook page.
We have continued to monitor progress of children both in school and at home. Consultations with parents and staff has allowed referral to continue to be made to many agencies such as Dyslexia, Speech therapists, Language and communication team, CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health service), CYPS (children and young people services and Occupational therapy.
Early help meeting have continued via telephone or Microsoft Teams meetings.
Education, Health care plan assessments have been made and awarded to a number of children.
If you are concerned about a specific area of your child’s learning please contact your child’s teacher or Mrs Miller (SENDCo) on 0191 250 2207 or