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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Meet the Governors

Meet our Governors

Jackie McHanwell - Chair of Governors



I have retired from a career working with children, young people and families in various roles. As a social worker I have worked in several local authorities, and then in Barnardos I managed a number of services for vulnerable children and young people. I was regional manager for Children’s Fund and Connexions before moving to DfE. Here I worked on policies such as safeguarding in schools, home education and illegal schools, and was responsible for the regulation of independent schools.  I have been a school governor for many years in both primary and secondary schools and an academy. I am proud to be the current chair of governors at Fordley.

Carol Featherstone - Vice Chair of Governors and Co-opted Governor 




I have a background in Modern Languages and have worked as a translator in the past. I have also worked as a volunteer helping parents to present their parental views under the old SEND statementing system. I became a Parent Governor in 2003 when my now adult children attended Fordley and am at present a Coopted Governor. I have been Chair of Governors at the school and am currently the Safeguarding Governor. I have enjoyed seeing Fordley Primary improve and develop over the years. It is a much-valued part of the community.

Brian Peutherer - Trust Governor



I work in Dudley as a health, safety and environment manager.  I am married, with two “grown-up” children; one studying for a master’s degree and the other studying percussion at conservatoire.  I enjoy nature and the outdoors.  When not working or helping to run a busy household, I try my hand at fly-fishing, gardening, reading and occasionally play golf.  I also keep bees, so can be busy managing my hives or collecting honey-bee swarms during the Summer months.  I firmly believe in giving all children a solid start in life, so that they can be the best that they can be.  A good education, balanced with other activities which challenge them and keep them motivated is essential.  That’s why I enjoy working with Fordley School so much – the school shares the same values as me.


Graham Parker - Parent Governor



I am Degree Qualified Electrical Engineer with 20years experience in the design of electrical systems with buildings with particular experience in the design of schools under various DFE frameworks. 


I wanted to become a governor because I wanted to be able to contribute to the running of the school and to be able to share my experiences within my career to the betterment of the school and the governing body. 

Laurie Topping - Parent Governor



I am the Head of Planning and Performance working within the Utilities Industry. I have 11 years experience in performance management, continuous improvement, people management, financial forecasting and strategic planning for a large business. I attended Fordley Primary School myself and now my daughter does too. I have joined the Governors Board as a parent Governor and hope that all of my experience can be used to have a positive impact on the children at Fordley along with the community around them.

Sarah Burtenshaw - Local Authority Governor



I am a councillor for the Weetslade ward in North Tyneside and live locally. During my term in post, I have been involved in a number of committees including Family Friendly, Caring and Green. Being part of committees provides a great insight to council policy.


I have also worked in the Sports Industry as a badminton coach for over 8 years, delivering Badminton sessions all over Newcastle and North Tyneside in Schools and leisure facilities alongside that I work at the Tyneside Badminton Centre in Newcastle. In my spare time I volunteer locally in the Badminton world as I am the Safeguarding and Welfare Officer for the Northumberland Badminton Association and run Junior tournaments for all standards.

When I’m not organising and running badminton related things I enjoy getting on a court and playing it myself.

Bert Coates - Parent Governor



I am a Security Engineering Manager with 20 years of experience in governance, risk management, and compliance across the Defence, Intelligence, Cyber Security, Automotive, Electronics, and Communications industries, and a passion for volunteering to STEM Education. I have two daughters at the school, and joined the School Governors Board as a Parent Governor to bring my experience to supporting the school to provide every opportunity for all students of Fordley School to excel and realise their fullest potential. I also hope to use my experience as a STEM Ambassador to support subject leads with experiences for students to enjoy more hands-on activities that show how STEM subjects are used in industry.


Emily Neder - Co-opted Governor


I work in North Tyneside within the 0-5 public health team. I have a passion for supporting families in the early days and beyond. I have previously worked in a specialist school for autistic children. 


I have two children who have both been students at Fordley, my eldest left this year to start high school.  Having a child in school with SEND gives me knowledge of the Local Offer and the support/barriers faced by SEND families. I have undertaken courses in SEND both on a personal level and as part of my work role. I hope to share this knowledge as a governor to support Fordley families.  

Emma Foody - Co-Opted Governor



I was elected as the member of Parliament for Cramlington and Killingworth constituency in 2024, the seat includes Fordley. Prior to this I have worked in various roles including in organisational governance, commissioning support services and the NHS. Outside of work I still volunteer with the ambulance service, and enjoy walking my dog at the coast. 


Children deserve the best opportunities in life. I want to work with teachers, children and parents alike to ensure Fordley school continues to deliver exactly that. 

Chris Stewart - Staff Governor


Claire Withers - Headteacher


Information about our governing body


The structure and remit of the governing body: to hold strategic overview of the school and its' functions, as well as challenging the outcomes for pupils at all levels


Governors meet as a full governing body six times per year and each committee also meets six times per year.


Resources governors oversee the leadership and management of the physical building, healthy and safety, human resources (staffing) and finance.


Standards governors oversee the leadership and management of the curriculum provision and outcomes for pupils alongside, amongst many other areas, challenging the effective implementation of the pupil premium strategy, PE premium strategy and the school development plan.


Governors bring to Fordley Primary School a wide range of external experience such as  health and safety management, human resources, social work, education, leadership and much more.  The current governing body is a healthy mix of long standing governors and newer additions, all of whom have been fully trained on their role by the highly effective and skilled clerk to governors, Jacqui Sugden, and governors also regularly attend training delivered by the North Tyneside Learning Trust, Governor Services and Clennell Education Solutions covering key areas such as safeguarding, strategic leadership and management, asking challenging questions and much more.

Governance Information 2024-25

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)