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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Nursery Applications (3 and 4 year old Nursery including 30 hours)

Welcome to Fordley Nursery admissions page.  Our main Nursery (which you can see on the left as you approach our main entrance) provides a fantastic foundation for your child's primary school experience.  Children gain a wide range of play-based opportunities, tailored to enable your child to be hands-on, develop their social skills, their curiosity and their early love of books and learning.


Within our main Nursery we offer:

- morning sessions (15 hours)

- afternoon sessions (15 hours)

- all day sessions for children in the year before they start Reception class (30 hours)


Please note - we do not currently offer 30 hours for children who are 'rising 3s' e.g. children who will have another full year in Nursery before they start Reception.


If you would like to apply for a Nursery place, you can use the form below or pop to our school office for a paper copy.  Completed forms can be returned via email to or just in person to our main office.


We will be in touch the term before your child is due to start to agree their start date, visits and address any concerns or medical needs.


However, if you do have any questions please feel free to ring 0191 2502207 or email and ask to speak to Mrs McArdle (Nursery teacher and pre-school lead).  If she is teaching, she will return your call as soon as she can.


Please be aware that attending our Nursery does not mean your child will get a guaranteed place in school.  The main admissions page gives you more detail about this (follow this link: 

HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS! We reopen for a new school year on Tuesday 3rd September and we all look forward to seeing you then.