We would like to share the school's vision and values with you, please read the information below:
At Fordley Primary School pupils, parents, staff and governors work together as a whole school community to encourage active learning in a safe and stimulating environment, where each child is given opportunities to reach their full potential.
We aim to:
· Work with children and their families to encourage high standards of achievement through quality teaching and support
· Foster care, kindness and respect for others, whilst developing our pupil’s self-esteem and wellbeing
· Welcome families and the wider community as active participants in the education of our children
· Promote high standards of behaviour, enabling children to develop as responsible, tolerant members of both the school and the wider community
· Use funding effectively to maintain and further raise standards across the whole school and for the benefit of all pupils
· Promote enthusiasm for lifelong learning by providing a broad and enriching curriculum
· Undertake ongoing self and school evaluation to aid future development