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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Support with Loaning a Device or Internet Access

In June we carried out a survey of all families to try to identify where there might be a future issue with remote learning e.g.

  • no device except from a mobile phone
  • only one device but more than one child who may need to learn from home
  • no, or limited, internet access


The outcome of this survey enabled us to plan ahead for possible closures of classes/bubbles in the Autumn term, as well as using this information to put a bid in for additional funding to support with sourcing devices which would be secure, easy to use at home and suitable for the delivery of our remote learning curriculum.  


Devices and Internet Access for Families


We applied for, and received, our full access of devices from the DFE.  Chromebooks were chosen as they could be linked to the Google domain we already have, set up for the sole use of a specific child and are highly suitable for our remote learning provision (which requires no pre-installed software).  As these devices are linked to our secure domain, security settings and monitoring procedures are in place to keep children safe and prevent inappropriate use.  


We are currently in the position of being able to order additional devices and internet access for families, following expert advice from our school IT support and Local Authority.  In addition to this, we have received 5 Chromebooks from S and B EPS in Dudley, for which we are exceptionally grateful.


How do I apply for a device or internet support for my child?


Based on the original survey, we had a good idea of which families would benefit from device or internet support and we contacted those families directly.  We are also directly contacting families where we can see there is limited or no engagement with remote learning, to offer devices and support.


Should you need support with a device or additional internet or mobile phone data, please see the information below:


  • Device issues – a mobile phone can be enough for children to see and hear the learning on Tapestry and Seesaw, and take a photo to upload.  But if you do not have a device that works please email us or ring 0191 2502207 and we will do our best to support you with the loan of a device.


  • Internet issues – many mobile phone providers are offering extra data or Sim cards and we can apply for 4G routers to support with internet access.  If this is something you need help with, please email us or ring 0191 2502207 and we will do our best to support you


  • Data increases for mobile devices - We can request data increases for children who
  • Do not have fixed broadband at home
  • Cannot afford additional data needed for their devices to access educational resources
  • Have access to a mobile device that uses a participating network
  • Are experiencing disruption to their face-to-face education

If you would like to request extra mobile data, please could you email with the following information:

  • The name of the account holder (full name as it appears on the bill)
  • The number of the mobile device (a number beginning with ‘07’)
  • The mobile network of that device (e.g Three)
  • Whether they pay monthly or pay as they go


What will I receive for my child?


If you request a device on loan, your child will have a chromebook to use for their home learning (as well as being able to pick up exercise books and stationery packs from school).


We will ask you to come and sign a loan agreement and acceptable use agreement and you will get:

  • a copy of the loan agreement
  • a copy of the acceptable use agreement
  • a copy of all logins for Seesaw, Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed
  • Online safety advice
  • a simple user guide
  • a chromebook set up for the use of your child only.  It can only be logged in with your child's user name and password (we will set this up ready and give you the login details).


WELCOME BACK - We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 3rd September (Monday is a training day so school is closed to pupils)