Welcome to Fordley Primary and our Fordley Family.
If you are moving into the area and your child is currently attending another school, or you are hoping to change your child's school, you are very welcome to arrange a phone call and a visit in order to answer any questions you may have. You can do this by ringing 0191 2502207 or emailing office@fordleyprimary.org.uk and we will be able to help you.
We are unable to offer you a place until you have applied for one with North Tyneside Council. Once you have applied, North Tyneside Council send the application form to us and ask if we have places. If we do, we will then let North Tyneside Council know and contact you directly (so please make sure you have a contact number or email address on your form).
The link to apply for a place can be found here: https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/category/223/year-transfers