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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Fordley Flyers Applications (two year old provision)

We offer both funded and paid places within our Fordley Flyers for two year old children.  This is a great opportunity for children to begin their journey with us at Fordley Primary, and become part of our Fordley Family, creating new friendships and gaining new experiences.


We have the following available:

- morning places (8:30-11:30) or

- afternoon places (12:30-15:30)


Your child can attend for 3-5 sessions per week (depending upon availability).  


If you would like to book at place for your child, please complete the application form below (or you can collect a paper copy from our school main office) and return it to our school office (or email  We will then contact you the term before your child is due to start to have a chat about them, any medical needs, any other worries and concerns, and we will then agree a start date. 


Because your child will only be 2, we will arrange initial visits with you and your child to ensure they settle successfully with us.  As a parent or carer, you need to know your child is settled and as a school we also want to ensure your child has a fantastic time with us.


If you have any queries about Fordley Flyers, please ring 0191 2502207 or email and ask to speak to Mrs Binns or Mrs McArdle.  If they have a group of children and can't speak to you immediately, they will ring you back. 


Mrs Nicholson is our Early Years Lead and has oversight of our Fordley Flyers, Nursery and Reception.  If you have any questions, she will be more than happy to answer them too.

SEESAW ACCESS - if you don't currently have access to our Seesaw Learning and Communication Platform please email and we will get this up and running for you