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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Afterschool Club Provision

Afterschool Club


Who can use this provision?


Until October half term (at the earliest) this will be available for parents/carers who need the childcare for work reasons only.  This is because we will need to keep the numbers as low as possible to minimise the chance of the spread of the virus.


How do I book a place?


If you need to book a place for your child at Afterschool Club, we will need to know a week in advance which days your child will be in the childcare provision.  You can do this by emailing


It is essential that you book in advance as we need to keep accurate registers to comply with test, track and trace regulations.


If you do not need a place yet, but may in future, all we ask is that you email the week before you require a place to let us know which days.


How do I collect my child from Afterschool Club?


Children can be collected from Afterschool Club by ringing the Afterschool Club number (07979684404) when you are at the main school entrance door, and your child will be brought to you by a member of staff.  You will not be able to access the building as we need to maintain a COVID-19 secure site, so we request your patience whilst waiting for your child (feel free to wait in your car if it is raining).

How do I pay for the provision?


If you access Childcare Vouchers, these can be used as normal.  If you wish to pay us by bank transfer, please contact us on 0191 2502207 and ask to speak to Mrs Rowley.  She will help you with this.  If you need to pay by cash, please put it in an envelope and hand to a member of after school club staff when you collect your child.

Charges are as follows:

  • 3:30pm – 4:00pm = £3
  • 3:30pm – 5:00pm = £4
  • 3:30pm – 5:30pm = £5
  • 3:30pm – 6:00pm = £6


We fully appreciate your support in putting these measures into place for the safety of your child, your family and our school staff.  We will review them at October half term to see if any changes need to be made.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)