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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’


Please note - this information was sent out with all children before the summer holidays


We are very lucky to be able to have the support of Greggs so that we can run a free Breakfast Club for any children from Reception to Y6.

This is a time for children to come to school, have breakfast with their friends and enjoy some quiet, table-top, activities before they start their school day.


Our breakfast offer includes cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurt and a drink.  The expectation would be that all children who attend would have breakfast.


Who can use our Breakfast Club?


  • Any child from Reception to Y6 can use it for free
  • Nursery children (the year before they start Reception) can access it for the cost of £1 per day due to the additional staffing needed and Greggs only provide funding for Reception to Y6 (if your child is accessing 30 hours and is paying for the additional time, this is already included in the charge)


How do I book a place?


  • You do not need to officially book a place but we would be grateful if you could email if your child is likely to attend.  This helps us to order the right amount of food for the number of children.


When and where can I drop my child off?


  • Children attending Breakfast Club can be brought to school between 8:00 – 8:25am (no child will be able to attend after 8:25 as the staff will be finishing breakfast service and clearing up before the start of the main school day)
  • Children will need to be brought (by an adult) to the main school office door so they can be signed in by Mrs Hawdon.  This is for safeguarding and fire regulations reasons.
  • PLEASE NOTE – no parking in the car park and no entry to Breakfast Club after 8:25am.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)