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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Christmas Song Recordings this week - Y2 (Thursday 9th December). R, Y1, Y3, Y4, Y5/6 (Friday 10th December)



As mentioned in a letter which was sent out last week, we will be recording performances of each year group's chosen Christmas songs in school on Friday (or Thursday for Y2) and we will be sharing these with you on Seesaw (as it is a secure platform).  This means you have a recording to watch as many times as you like, especially if you are not able to see the live performances next week.


Class teachers have asked their classes to bring some items in for the recordings (Thursday or Friday), as they will also be using them for the live performances next week.  None of the items are essential, and we do not want any families to go out and buy anything specially.


The voluntary items for each year group are listed below:


- Reception (RWM and RHN) - NOTHING NEEDED
- Year 1 (1JR and 1JP) - NOTHING NEEDED
- Year 2 (2RS and 2RB) - Christmas jumper, winter hat and a scarf (for Thursday)
- Year 3 (3NT and 3AB) - Christmas jumper (for Friday)
- Year 4 (4CS and 4DB) - pyjamas, a teddy and an optional Christmas jumper (for Friday)
- Year 5 and Year 6 (5/6JF, 5/6LS and 5/6lM) - Christmas jumper or Christmas decoration (for Friday)


A letter will be sent out tomorrow with details of the live performances next Monday (Reception, Y1 and Y2) and Tuesday (Y3-Y6)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)