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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’


To All of Our Amazing Year 6,


Next week will be a challenge for all of you - a challenge you are all more than ready for!  Do not go to bed tonight worrying that you might not do very well.  Go to bed tonight knowing that you have worked as hard as you possibly could this year and you are more than ready to show off your skills, knowledge and talent.  You are ready to show what you are made of, and you are ready to give it your best.


We are all incredibly proud of you all!  Your reading, writing, maths and grammar skills are only part of what you contribute to our school.  You contribute humour, talent, sporting prowess, a love of performing, leadership skills and the unwavering ability to support each other at all times.   Your next schools will be incredibly lucky to have you!


Good luck next week.  We are all here to support you.



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