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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Information for Nursery parents and carers

Dear Parents and Carers of children in Nursery and Fordley Flyers,


We hope you are all safe and well, and I know Mrs McArdle has enjoyed seeing your learning on Tapestry.  I will be logging on to say hi too and to see how you are all getting on.


The current government guidance is clear that:


'parents and carers … should keep their children at home if they can'


This is because minimising numbers attending school (including the number of adults and other children) is about the reduction of the overall number of contacts in the community and, given the crisis situation in the country, this is essential.  I thank you wholeheartedly for doing just this as it contributes to keeping our families, children, staff and community as safe as it can be.


We currently have children of critical workers and vulnerable children in Nursery and places for other Nursery children should a parent or carer wish for their child to attend.  In light of changing guidance around school nurseries, we are reviewing what we are able to offer. This might not be the normal morning or afternoon place (or the same room) you may have had last term due to the importance of keeping all children, the Nursery staff and families safe at all times. In order to help us to ensure that what we offer meets the needs of the families of Nursery children, we are asking that you let us know whether you would, at the current time, want your child to return to Nursery should more places become available or whether, due to safety concerns relating to the pandemic, you would prefer for your child to remain at home.


Should you wish for your child to remain at home during the current lockdown it would in no way affect their entitlement to a place in the longer term and, should you change your mind, we would try to accommodate your child in Nursery should places be available.  Once lockdown restrictions have been removed, your child will automatically return to their original session (the one they had before Christmas).


If you would like to request a place, please email


We will then contact you with information about your child’s place, where it will be and when they can return.


We will continue to share learning and stories on Tapestry, we will continue to check in with you to make sure you are all safe and we are always here for help and advice.


Kind regards


Mrs C.L. Withers


HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)