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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Remote Learning - Our Fordley Offer

Dear Parent/Carer,


Even though your child is not physically in our building, we want to be able to keep in contact with them daily, provide learning similar to what is going on in school, and be able to give them daily feedback on the learning that they are doing at home.   The work we are setting is a mix of new learning and recapping learning they will already have been taught.  This is to try and prevent children losing any more precious learning time than they have already since the first lockdown last March.


We know that learning at home is far harder than learning in school.  We also know that trying to get your children to learn at home can be a huge challenge!  Which is why they need to know we are checking in on them, communicating with them and supporting their learning every day.


Government Expectation of Schools

We don’t need the government to tell us what we already know is essential – that all children have access to learning, whether they are at home or at school.  Just like you, we want the best for our amazing Fordley children.  However the government are clear that they expect a minimum of 3 hours of learning set per day for primary school children.


Is there a daily timetable?

In school we are able to set, and stick to, a timetable because that’s our job.  However we know that home learning may need to fit around shared devices, parents/carers working from home, managing babies and very young children, stroppy teenagers and so much more.


So – we are setting the following activities, daily, to fit flexibly around your own home circumstances (you don’t have to do them at set times):

  • Daily reading or phonics
  • Daily maths
  • Daily writing, grammar, punctuation or spelling
  • Daily physical activity (we recommend you start with this to wake your child up for learning, if possible)
  • One other subject e.g. a longer PE lesson, history, geography, French, art etc.


It is our responsibility to set this learning every day and we ask that children engage with it as much as possible.  We utterly understand that some days may be easier than others, and some days your child might struggle a bit more.  We will be ringing regularly and can provide support, advice or just give you the chance to let off steam!


How will my child access the learning?

By now most of the children have accessed some of the learning we have already set this week (I know because I get to check in and comment too!)


  • Children in Fordley Flyers, Nursery, Reception have learning activities shared through Tapestry


  • Children in Y1-Y6 have learning shared daily on Seesaw (but can still use Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed)


There is a teacher allocated every day to setting, uploading and feedback on that day’s work for the year group.


For Tapestry and Seesaw, children can do the work they see on the screen on paper and this can be photographed and uploaded to the site.  This works really well for children who do not like writing or tapping on a device screen.


Why does my child have to use Seesaw (Y1-Y6)?

We would actively encourage all children in Y1-Y6 to use the learning set on Seesaw because:

  • It is planned by their teachers
  • The teachers ‘teach’ them by talking them through the learning on screen (and children can play the recording as many times as they need to)
  • They can hear their teachers reading stories and text to help them
  • The learning is at the right level for them (children do not all get the same learning, it is what is appropriate for them)
  • Teachers can respond very quickly to any questions about the work
  • Teachers can look at the work when it is done (you can upload a photo of the work on paper) and then comment.  This is a good motivator as children love praise from their teacher (and Headteacher)


What if my child likes to do their work on paper?

We have exercise books and pencils available at school from tomorrow for you to come and collect (Reception to Y6).  Children can do their work on paper and just use their device as the teaching screen.  You do not need to print any worksheets – children just need to be able to see them on the screen.


If you take a photo and upload it to Seesaw, their teacher will give feedback to your child on how well they have done. 


We have difficulties accessing Seesaw because we have no devices/internet


  • Device issues – a mobile phone can be enough for children to see and hear the learning, and take a photo to upload.  But if you do not have a device that works please email us or ring 0191 2502207 and we will do our best to support you with the loan of a device.
  • Internet issues – many mobile phone providers are offering extra data or Sim cards and we can apply for 4G routers to support with internet access.  If this is something you need help with, please email us or ring 0191 2502207 and we will do our best to support you


What if I would still rather have a paper pack for my child?

If you choose a paper pack then your child will not be able to access teaching by their teacher.  They also will not get any direct feedback on their learning.  We would also have to ask you to come and collect new learning every day as it would need to be in line with what we are teaching in school and on Seesaw.  Our teachers do not upload learning a week in advance because they will tweak learning for the following day if they can see children aren’t understanding it (just like we do in school normally).


What is available if my child has additional needs?

If your child has an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) we allocated you a place in school.  If you chose to keep your child at home we have specific learning for them, both on Tapestry and through paper based intervention programmes e.g. motor skills, dyslexia programmes.  However, we are at the other end of the phone if you need any further advice or support with this.


How do I get new logins for Seesaw, Times Tables Rockstars, Spelling Shed or Tapestry?


  • For Seesaw, Times Tables Rockstars or Spelling Shed please email and we will respond with your child’s logins
  • For Tapestry, if you have forgotten your password you will just need to click the ‘forgotten password’ link and it will email you to reset your password.  Alternatively, give us a ring and we will help you sort it out.


Sorry for the length of this information but I hope it answers most of your questions and explains why we are delivering remote learning in this way.


If you have any queries, please email and we will sort them out for you.


Kind regards


Mrs C.L. Withers


SEESAW ACCESS - if you don't currently have access to our Seesaw Learning and Communication Platform please email and we will get this up and running for you