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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Update for wider reopening of school - Y6, Y1, Reception and Nursery - Tuesday 26th May

Thank you to all the parents and carers of children in Reception, Y1 and Y6 who responded to our last post and let us know a definite 'yes' or 'no' regarding whether they would like their child to return to school.


Although the Prime Minister is still stating that schools and early years provisions will be open from the 1st June, this is still subject to a final decision being made by government on 28th of May, as they have not yet met their five scientific tests. 


Because of the last minute nature of the final decision from government (which would leave communication to parents/carers to the last minute) in consultation with governors, we decided that it would make sense to:


  • continue to offer the childcare provision to critical workers/vulnerable groups as we have since March
  • bring the first group 'bubble' of Y6 and the first group 'bubble' of Y1 in on 8th June
  • bring the first group 'bubble' of Reception children in on the 15th June
  • Nursery children - we will advise on a return date once we feel we have successfully re-admitted Reception children


Following a full and detailed risk assessment, this also means that our full staff team will be fully trained next week to carry out the rest of the changes needed in school in order to minimise the spread of COVID-19 e.g.:

  • removal of all soft furnishings
  • removal of all small toys that cannot be easily cleaned
  • practising how a fire drill will work, socially distanced from different exits
  • reorganising classrooms so tables are all 2m apart
  • how to use PPE safely (donning, doffing and safe disposal)
  • regular cleaning of surfaces


I will be in direct contact today with parents/carers who have requested a place for their Y6 or Y1 child, with the details they will need for their child to return to school (including a new home-school agreement and specific start and collection times).


Please note we will only be able to bring children into new bubbles at the start of a new week, so if you change your mind at any point and would like your child to return to school you will need to email and we will be able to advise you of the start date for your child.


Should you continue to decide that you would rather keep your child at home for the rest of this half term, we will continue to provide online learning and work packs to collect from school.  We absolutely understand and support the decision you make, to stay at home or return to school, as you know your child better than anyone else.


As always, I thank you all wholeheartedly for your support and patience through this challenging time.  The safety of your child, you and your family and our school staff is at the heart of every single decision we are making throughout this pandemic.


Mrs C.L. Withers




WELCOME BACK - We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 3rd September (Monday is a training day so school is closed to pupils)