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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

WORLD BOOK DAY - 7th March 2024

WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday 7th March


Next Thursday is World Book Day and all children will have time throughout the day to enjoy some special book related activities.

Our theme this year is Favourite Bedtime Stories so we would love the children to share theirs with the class.


What does my child need to wear?


Your child can come to school in any of these options:

  • pyjamas (and suitable footwear for the weather) for the theme of Bedtime Stories
  • dressed as their favourite book character
  • in non-uniform (no theme)
  • in school uniform


We prefer to be able to give families (and children) the choice as not all children enjoy dressing up and it can be an unnecessary additional cost to have to buy a special costume.

SEESAW ACCESS - if you don't currently have access to our Seesaw Learning and Communication Platform please email and we will get this up and running for you