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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Visitors to Mrs Withers' Office

Proud Learners and Superb Achievements - February 2017

Proud Learners and Superb Achievements - January 2017

Proud Learners and Superb Achievements - December 2016

Proud Learners and Superb Achievements - November 2016

Proud Learners and Superb Achievements - October 2016

Proud Learners and Superb Achievements - September 2016

March 6th 2015 - Visitors to my office this week included amazing writing from Y1 and Y5, fabulous learning in Reception and a first place trophy for curling!

Superb diary writing from two of our Year 6 children. They used amazing detail and well chosen vocabulary to create an atmosphere and draw the reader in. Miss Dixon will be adding their work to our Lend Me Your Literacy portfolio.

Autumn Term 2014 - A selection of visitors to my office

HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS! We reopen for a new school year on Tuesday 3rd September and we all look forward to seeing you then.