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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Year 5 and Year 6

A message to 5/6JF


Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing amazing as we enter the second week away from school. As you know, this is a time where it is incredibly easy for us all to get bored. That is why it is important to keep yourself busy - not only with school work but with other things to keep us occupied and happy, such as exercise and reading (I've read 3 books so far - I challenge anyone to beat me!). This is why I'm setting you a challenge: to learn a unique skill to show me and your friends when we're back at school. This could be anything, from learning a song on an instrument to learning an impressive gymnastic skill (nothing too terrifying please!) 


I'm currently learning (and struggling) to learn how to juggle... I will let you all know how that goes...


Please keep yourselves healthy and happy and I am excited to see what skills you teach yourself...


Mr Fawcett


PS: A few suggestions of strange skills to learn

- Learn to juggle

- Learn an obscure card game or how to shuffle cards like a pro

- A football trick

- Learn to moonwalk (I will be particularly impressed with this one)

- Whistle with your fingers

- Solve a Rubiks cube quickly

- Learn an instrument (recorder and harmonica can be a good start)  

HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS! We reopen for a new school year on Tuesday 3rd September and we all look forward to seeing you then.