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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Visits and Visitors

Polli:nation Project Presentation at Newcastle University - Promoting the Importance of Looking After our Bees

Y3/4s ‘Evacuation’ to Beamish as part of their World War Two Topic

Ice Cream Treat for Y6

Y5 Visit to North Gosforth Academy’s Nature Reserve

Y5 and Y6 visited Cragside as part of their 'What makes Newcastle Unique?' topic

A Special Visitor at Christmas - Santa!

Y2, Y3 and Y4 spent the afternoon learning how to create funny poems with author Craig Bradley 'That Poetry Bloke'

Y3/4 spent Children's Day 2016 at The Parks with St Cuthberts and Holystone - Sporting Activities Galore!

Y3 and Y4 weekend at Robinwood - Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Y5 and Y6 Visit to France

TICE (This is Creative Enterprise) Helped Y3 and Y4 to Understand Biodiversity in June 2015

Y5 and Y6 Visit to Edinburgh Zoo - May 2015

Lend Me Your Literacy - Making Published Authors out of our KS2 Writers


We had visitors from Lend Me Your Literacy in school who worked with all the classes in KS2.  The children learned some tricky techniques to help make their writing even more fabulous than it already is!  The best part of the day was seeing the children's writing published on this website ... 


If you have the time to pop onto the website and read the children's writing, please leave a comment to help inspire them to even greater things!


Recording Our Own CD with help from YMCA North Shields Recording Studio and Steve and Andi

HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAYS! We reopen for a new school year on Tuesday 3rd September and we all look forward to seeing you then.