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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’

Christmas Lunch

Dear Parents and Carers,


When is Christmas lunch?


Christmas lunch, for Reception to Y6 only, will take place on the following days:


· Wednesday 9th December         -         Reception, Y1 and Y2

· Thursday 10th December - Y3 and Y4

· Friday 11th December - Y5 and Y6


We have had to split it over three separate days so that we minimise mixing of children from different year groups (Reception, Y1 and Y2 already have lunch in the hall at separate times, with thorough cleaning in between, so they don’t mix).  The menu is on our newsletter, on our website and on Facebook.


Will Nursery children be able to have Christmas lunch?


Unfortunately this means that our 30 hours Nursery children will not be able to have a Christmas lunch this year, as we will not be able to fit them into the hall safely. 


What if my child normally has a packed lunch?


If they don’t want a school lunch, they can still eat their packed lunch in the hall on their Christmas lunch day.


If they would like a Christmas lunch, you can pay for this online by visiting .  If your child is in Reception, Y1 or Y2 there is no charge.  Please do not send any money into school for this.


What is the school lunch option when it’s not my child’s Christmas lunch day?


If your child usually has a school dinner, they will be given a packed lunch on the days that is not their Christmas lunch e.g. Y2 will have a packed lunch on Thursday and Friday next week (provided by Catering Services).  Normal menus will be in place on the Monday and Tuesday of next week and the whole of the final week of term.


If you have any questions about this, or need any advice, please give us a ring on 2502207 or email


Yours sincerely,


Mrs C.L. Withers



HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)