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Fordley Primary School

‘Aiming Higher’


Free School Meal Packed Lunch Arrangements

If your child is in Reception, Y1 or Y2 they are entitled to a free school packed lunch from North Tyneside Council.


If you know that your child is eligible for free school meals for economic reasons, they are also entitled to a free school packed lunch.


These lunches are going to be put together at a central kitchen and will consist of a sandwich, a baked snack and fruit.


We will have delivery of these lunches every day.


How can I collect my child/children’s school lunch?

We will be handing out lunches to families on our lists between 11:30 and 12:30.

This will be outside the front door of the school (main school entrance).  If it is raining, we will hand them out inside the main entrance.  Please note we have to have tight health and safety controls under the current circumstances.


How does this work with social distancing?

We will stagger the handover of lunches by the first letter of your child’s surname (if they have different surnames go by your youngest child):

- 11:30 – Surnames A-G

- 11:50 – Surnames H-Q

- 12:10 – Surnames R-Z


What if I don’t want or need my child’s packed lunch?

Any lunches which are not collected by 12:30pm will be distributed to other children/families/food banks where need is greatest.


What if I can’t collect my child’s packed lunch because of self-isolation?

From 1pm teams of Fordley staff will deliver any uncollected packed lunches to families where the child is free school meals for economic reasons. 

We will drop these off at the end of paths for you to come and collect.  We will not knock on doors for both yours and my staff’s safety.

We cannot deliver all uncollected packed lunches so if you are available to collect a packed lunch we would expect you to do so.


Can someone collect the packed lunches for me?

Yes but we will record who is collecting them to ensure that these will genuinely get to the correct children.


If you have any urgent questions around this, please ring school and we will help you.


Please have a safe weekend

Kind regards

Mrs C.L. Withers


HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on TUESDAY 7th January (Monday is a training day)